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Rest in Peace, Reggie Rabjohns, CLU®, ChFC®

We celebrate the life and honor the passing of Reggie Rabjohns in our 2023-2024 President’s Report.

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Insurance & Risk Management Insights

April 23, 2024

Reggie Rabjohns, CLU®, ChFC®, a towering figure in the history of The American College of Financial Services, passed away in October 2023.

Photo of Reggie Rabjohns

Reggie Rabjohns was a member of the Board of Trustees for nine years and of the President’s Circle for 17; he was a member of The American College Foundation Board for 18 years, and he served two years on the President’s Advisory Council as well. In recognition of his “Distinguished Service to Education and Professionalism,” Rabjohns was the 2008 recipient of the Solomon Huebner Gold Medal, and he was inducted into the Alumni Hall of Fame in 2014.

Asked about his belief in the importance of education, he said: “Part of the definition of being a professional means being committed to a lifetime of continuing education… and in our industry, it’s very rare to come across someone who isn’t a graduate of The American College.” In that vein, Rabjohns exemplified The College’s mission to uplift the profession and society.

Rabjohns often spoke of the “magic of life insurance.” At The College, we also celebrate the magic of people like Reggie Rabjohns, whose investment in The College sustains us and helps us continue to evolve.

Read the full article and learn more about Reggie and how you too can support The College’s mission in our 2023-2024 President’s Report.

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