Answer the Call to Serve Veterans with Us
At The American College of Financial Services, we serve active duty, guard, reserve, veterans, and military spouses.

George Nichols III
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View DetailsNovember 10, 2022

One doesn't have to look far these days to see examples of the sacrifices made by a few to protect the many. The nightly news, with their broadcasts from the War in Ukraine, reminds us of the realities faced by those who enlist to defend their country's freedom.
Every day, our U.S. military is prepared to protect our liberties and to do so at any cost. While America's longest war has ended, our military continues to serve in dangerous conflicts overseas. They are often the first to arrive with much-needed humanitarian assistance when disaster strikes at home and abroad.
Those who serve allow us to proceed with our daily lives uninterrupted. We can enjoy our freedoms and pursue opportunities for personal prosperity. Yet, the nearly 200,000 men and women who return to civilian life each year face unique obstacles as they, too, strive to achieve prosperity.
Many require additional education to launch new careers or are inexperienced at conducting a job search, applying for, and interviewing for, a civilian job. Creating a resume and figuring out how to translate military skills and experience into transferable job skills can also be daunting.
We serve veterans because they deserve the same opportunities we've had the chance to pursue because of their sacrifice.
The American College Center for Military and Veterans Affairs seeks to help our military community overcome challenges transitioning to civilian life. We anticipate a record-breaking 425 scholarships to be awarded this year to military members and their spouses, including 120 scholarships for entry into our master's program last month. Our scholarship program is one of very few that extends this opportunity to military spouses, who also can struggle to find permanent careers after spending years relocating.
The Center's Executive Director, James "Jim" Roy, PMP®, has been working tirelessly to expand our services. In addition, under the leadership of Career Services Director Amanda Raymond, we are developing new services to help support the career progression of our military members and their spouses. Further initiatives we are exploring include the following:
- Partnering with organizations with military-affiliated employee resource groups
- Making the GI Bill and other federal funding streams available for designations for military members
- Awarding college credits for completed military consumer finance education
The Center has also partnered with McKinsey & Company to research how to attract more military members and their spouses into financial services and the impact on companies with military-trained employees.
We serve veterans at The American College of Financial Services and invite you to join us in this pursuit. Visit our Center for Military and Veterans Affairs to learn how to get involved in answering the call to serve veterans with us.
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